How do I get in touch?

If you contact me, what happens next?

We will arrange a time when we can have a brief discussion over the phone to talk about what sorts of things are are important to you in terms of therapy – and how I might be able to respond to these. You may choose to book an appointment after this discussion – but the there is no obligation.

If you decide to work with me, we will then find a time when we can meet regularly – either of face to face or online, or a combination of both. At our first session, I will try to establish some sort of context for the issues that you bring. In subsequent sessions, I will take the lead from you in terms of the material that you wish to work with. You will determine how many sessions you would like to have; and although preferable to work towards a planned end, you will be free to stop at any time – without pressure to continue being applied.

To contact me, please submit the following details and I will reply promptly. If you would prefer me to call you, please state this and leave a contact number in the message.

Not all storms come to disrupt your life, some come to clear your path. Paul Coelho.